Scaling New Heights: Essential Facts About the Latest Eiffel Tower Admission Fee Hike

News that shakes lovers of the “Iron Lady”: the price of entry to the Eiffel Tower has just increased. But what are the ins and outs of this decision? Let’s take a look at what you need to know to make the most of this unmissable visit to Paris.

If you are planning a visit to the Eiffel Tower, be prepared for a increase in prices. From this Monday, access to this emblematic monument will see an increase of 20% on its current prices. Let’s find out together the details of this price change.

The new prices to reach the summit

Now, to reach the top of the Eiffel Tower in elevator, you will have to pay €35.30, compared to the previous €29.40. Young people aged 12 to 24 will pay €17.70 instead of €14.70, while the price for children aged 4 to 11, those with disabilities and their companions increases from €7.40 to 8 .90€.

Prices for accessing floors by staircase

For those who prefer physical exercise, access to the 2nd floor via thestairs also sees a notable price increase. Here are the new prices:

  • Adult: €14.20 (compared to €11.80 previously)
  • Young people (12-24 years): €7.10 (instead of €5.90)
  • Children (4-11 years): €3.60 (compared to €3)
  • Free continued for children under 4 years old and RSA holders

Why this increase?

This new increase aims to replenish the coffers of the Eiffel Tower Operating Company (SETE) which suffered a heavy deficit, partly due to the health crisis. This special economic situation requires measures to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of the monument.

Comparison with the prices of other Parisian emblems

The Eiffel Tower is not the only must-see to see its prices soar. Other Parisian emblems follow the same trend:

  • Louvre Museum: from €17 to €22, an increase of 29%
  • The Catacombs: from €10 to €24, an increase of 140%

A rise in prices over a decade

If we compare current prices with those of ten years ago, the increase is impressive. In 2014, an adult ticket to the summit cost just €17. In 2024, the price now reaches €35.30, marking a dizzying increase of 108% in a decade.