Exploring ‘Gîtes de France’: Your Unique and Welcoming Holiday Accommodation Guide

Immerse yourself in the world of “Gîtes de France” and let yourself be seduced by these atypical and friendly accommodations for your next vacation. A unique and warm experience awaits you, ready to transform your stay into an unforgettable moment.

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What are Gîtes de France?

Does a holiday in the heart of nature, in a warm and authentic setting mean something to you? THE Gîtes de France are the perfect answer to this desire. Created in 1955, this initiative aimed to rehabilitate agricultural buildings to promote tourist reception in rural areas. Since then, this network has continued to grow and today offers more than 55,000 accommodations spread throughout France, ranging from lodges to guest rooms, including campsites and chalets.

A network in the heart of rural areas

THE Gîtes de France are above all a rural network. Born from the desire of farmers and local elected officials, it is now expanding into regions sometimes neglected by the traditional tourist offer. This vast location allows travelers to discover often little-known corners of France while enjoying quality accommodation. In certain departments, the Gîtes de France alone represent up to a third of the accommodation available, which shows their importance!

Economic and social impact

The success of Gîtes de France is not just about an idyllic vacation. In 2023, the network generated 2.2 billion euros in economic benefits and created more than 30,000 jobs. It also contributes greatly to the preservation of rural heritage, thanks to numerous renovation and maintenance projects supported each year. It is a real engine of the local economy which contributes to the revitalization of rural areas while respecting values ​​of sustainable tourism.

How to join the Gîtes de France network?

Do you have property and want to join this big family? Here’s how to do it:

  • Make sure your property meets the labeling criteria, which include precise standards and adherence to a National Charter.
  • Contact the organization and put together an application file.
  • Once your application is accepted, you will join the network and benefit from the label as well as its multiple advantages.

Please note, join the Gîtes de France requires a real long-term commitment. It is crucial to feel aligned with the values ​​of the network and its involvement in the sustainable tourism.

Why choose Gîtes de France for your vacation?

Choose the Gîtes de France for your next vacation, choose:

  • A warm and personalized welcome from passionate hosts.
  • Quality accommodation, rigorously selected according to demanding criteria.
  • The discovery of authentic and often unknown places.
  • The opportunity to live as close as possible to residents and share their daily lives.

Whether you are looking for a cozy nest in the countryside or a chalet perched in the mountains, Gîtes de France offer you a unique and friendly experience. Take the time to immerse yourself in the local culture, away from crowds and mass destinations.

For more information, go to www.gites-de-france.com