Hit Pause on Paris-Berlin and Paris-Vienna Night Trains: Unveiling the Major Upgrades Underway

Two emblematic night trains linking Paris to Berlin and Paris to Vienna will temporarily suspend their services in order to benefit from major renovations. These promised improvements show promise in providing travelers with increased comfort and an even more enjoyable travel experience.

Work on the French and German rail networks

Due to major work on the French and German rail networks, Nightjet night trains connecting Paris has Berlin and to Vienna will be temporarily suspended. From August 12 to October 25, 2024, travel enthusiasts will have to find alternatives to reach these European capitals.

This suspension aims to avoid the risks of unexpected delays and cancellations due to the deviations necessary to carry out the work in France on the Épernay – Château-Thierry section, as well as in Germany on the Berlin – Mannheim line.

Planned outage and alternative solutions

There SNCF and its partners, Deutsche Bahn (DB) and the Austrian company ÖBB, preferred to suspend Nightjet services to prevent any potential inconvenience. This means that no tickets have been sold for this period, ensuring that no traveler is caught off guard by this disruption.

However, for train travel enthusiasts, several alternatives will be available:

  • To reach Berlin: an inOui TGV until Karlsruhe Or Frankfurt, followed by an ICE to the German capital.
  • Another option for Berlin: a Eurostar until Brussels and the night train European Sleeper, running three times a week in each direction.
  • To get to Vienna: the Nightjet Brussels – Vienna, which will continue to operate normally.

The past setbacks of the Paris-Berlin night lines

Since its return to service in December 2023, the Paris-Berlin line has experienced numerous problems, including last-minute car cancellations, train changes in the middle of the night and significant delays. These inconveniences left a bitter taste for travelers who had chosen this option for ecological reasons.

For travel enthusiasts like you, these improvements are essential to ensure a better experience in the future. Their patience during this suspension period will be rewarded with more reliable and comfortable journeys in the future.

Why this suspension is necessary

The ongoing work on the rail networks is essential to improve the quality and reliability of rail services between Paris, Berlin and Vienna. The diversions required for this work could cause prolonged delays, making continued travel difficult. By preferring to temporarily suspend services, train companies are showing their commitment to ensuring safe and punctual journeys for their passengers.

Don’t hesitate to explore other travel options during this time and prepare to enjoy more pleasant journeys as soon as the lines reopen. Have a good trip !