Journey through Corsica’s Hidden Gem: Exploring the Diverse Landscapes of Alta Rocca Village By Village

Desire to escape ? Let yourself be transported to the heart of Alta Rocca, the hidden gem of Corsica, where each village reveals a more spectacular panorama than the last. Discover breathtaking landscapes, from majestic mountains to lush forests, and immerse yourself in a rich and preserved culture. Follow us on a village adventure in Alta Rocca, an island treasure that promises endless discoveries.

Immersing yourself in the mountain essence of Alta Rocca

Perched above the azure expanses of southern Corsica, Alta Rocca is a land where the mountains embrace the sky. This region, shrouded in mystery and beauty, intrigues and captivates. Imagine winding roads winding through forests of cork oaks and laricio pines, revealing storied stone villages and breathtaking landscapes. It is an invitation to discover Corsica differently, far from the crowded beaches, in a haven where time seems to stand still.

L’Ospedale, an oasis of freshness

Starting with L’Ospedale, a small hamlet located a few kilometers from Porto-Vecchio. Do you know the sweet paradox of feeling the fresh air in the middle of the Mediterranean? Ospedale offers this unique experience. 🍃 Its artificial lake, a true mirror of the sky, and its densely wooded forests are the ideal playground for hiking lovers. Trails, like the one leading to the Piscia di Gallo waterfall, offer a natural spectacle of water and rock that delights the senses and refreshes the mind.

Zonza, in the heart of the Bavella needles

The village of Zonza, for its part, is a setting nestled in the heart of the mountains. Dominated by the imposing needles of Bavella, it presents itself as a meeting point between wild nature and Corsican hospitality. The altitude gives Zonza a distinct advantage: panoramic views of the surrounding forests and peaks. It is a place where the culture of adventure is lived every day, with privileged access to the GR20 trail, the dream of every seasoned hiker.

Quenza, tranquility near the Coscione plateau

Not far from there, the village of Quenza offers a quiet break, a little removed from the tourist hustle and bustle. It is the starting point for exploring the Coscione plateau, where the vast horizon of meadows and pozzines offers a visual spectacle that few places can match. The hiking trails that cross these landscapes open up to splendid views, from fields of wildflowers to herds of horses roaming free.

Levie and the witnesses of the island past

Levie, with its Alta Rocca Museum, is a window into the past. The artifacts and stories on display tell of bygone eras, from the 8,500-year-old Lady of Bonifacio to the mysterious megalithic structures at the Capula and Cucuruzzu sites. These archaeological highlights invite you on a journey through time, offering a rich cultural complement to the natural beauty of the region.

Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano, a village anchored in the olive-growing tradition

Finally, Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano links Alta Rocca to its agricultural roots with its olive groves and its traditional stone-milled oil mill. Olive culture, essential to Corsica, is celebrated there with passion, notably during the Festa di l’Oliu Novu, which brings together residents and visitors around this liquid gold.

The diversity of Alta Rocca’s landscapes, from mountain peaks to tranquil valleys, makes it a destination of choice for those seeking to understand and experience authentic Corsica, far from clichés and as close as possible to the elements that shape this island of character.