Unveiling Wonder: The Spectacular New Museum Debut in Morocco

Discover the fascinating new museum opening its doors in Morocco.

Imagine delving into the cultural treasures of a captivating new museum, located in the heart of Morocco. This unique place promises an enriching immersion in the art and history of this magnificent country.

Through unique exhibitions and remarkable collections, this museum offers an unforgettable cultural experience, combining modernity and Moroccan tradition. Each room reveals fascinating anecdotes and exceptional works, testifying to the richness of the local artistic heritage.

Whether you are an art lover, a history enthusiast or simply curious eager for discovery, this new museum will amaze you and transport you on a journey through the different eras and facets of Moroccan culture.

A Cultural Treasure to Rediscover

After four years of meticulous work, the magnificent historic palace of Fez has been transformed into a cultural jewel: the Al Batha Museum of Islamic Arts. Nestled in a 19th century palace, this museum is ready to welcome visitors eager to cultural discovery from the end of June.

This iconic place, which previously served as a summer residence, has regained all its splendor thanks to a perfect restoration. With its vast rooms and impressive collections, the Al Batha Museum promises to immerse visitors in thefascinating history of Islam in Morocco.

An Impressive Collection

The Al Batha Museum houses more than 700 objects carefully selected from the thousands of precious pieces in its reserves. These treasures are divided into ten thematic sections, illustrating various aspects of Islamic art, from the pre-Islamic period to the contemporary history of Fez.

  • The ancient minbar of the Andalusian mosque dating from the 10th century
  • L’hydraulic clock of the 14th century Bou Inania Madrasa
  • Decorative objects in zelliges, stucco And carved wood

A Meticulous Renovation

The renovation of the museum was a titanic task carried out by the National Museum Foundation (FNM). The decorative elements, whether in lime, wood or plaster, have all been restored with the finest artisanal precision. We particularly admire the work on the doors and windows whose polychrome patterns have regained their original shine, thanks to the intervention of a local master craftsman.

The Enchanted Gardens

The Al Batha Museum is not just an indoor exhibition space. THE Andalusian gardens restored which extend over 60% of the total surface area add an additional dimension to the visit. Sprinkled with grenadiers, jacaranda and other majestic trees, these gardens offer an oasis of serenity with their captivating scent and the gentle murmur of fountains.

Services and Activities

The Al Batha Museum is not limited to the exhibition of historical pieces. It also offers a variety of activities and services to enrich the visitor experience:

  • Temporary exhibitions
  • Cafeteria for a gourmet break
  • Souvenir shop

The Al Batha Museum is open every day except Tuesday. For more information and to plan your visit, you can visit their official website.