Tag culture

découvrez la culture et la beauté de la mauritanie avec ses paysages époustouflants, son artisanat traditionnel et son riche héritage culturel. révélez les trésors cachés de ce pays fascinant.

Unveiling the Hidden Charms and Rich Heritage of Mauritania

Welcome to Mauritania, a country with a thousand facets and a rich and captivating culture. Between ancestral traditions and captivating landscapes, dive into the heart of this West African jewel to discover all its beauty and authenticity. The cultural wealth…

découvrez le fonctionnement des pourboires en allemagne et les coutumes locales pour donner des gratifications dans ce pays.

How tipping works in Germany

How tipping works in Germany Prepare your trip to Germany and integrate without misstep this important facet of local culture: tipping, or Trinkgeld in German. Here’s what every traveler should know before taking out their wallet in Goethe’s country. Understanding…